Nov 8, 2016

Kotoura-San (Anime)

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Name: Kotoura-San
Type: Anime
Official Rating: PG-13
Director: Masahiko Ohta
Seasons: 1
Genre: Romantic comedy, drama, mystery, supernatural
Age Rating: 16+


This was a heartfelt story about Kotoura, a girl who can read minds and has been ostricised all her life because of it. When Manabe befriends her, they join the ESP club and she is suddenly surrounded by friends.

I'll start off by saying that I liked watching this anime, and it very nearly made me cry. My heart broke for the sweet Kotoura, and ache along with her when she faced the world alone. It was fun and sweet, with funny parts along with the sad, and it all turned out fine in the end. The character development was steller; I felt really connected to the characters by the time the show was over. 

There is a lot of sexual content in this anime, and I would absolutely not show it to anyone under the age of 16. While there is no full-on nudity, there are parts where it is implied, and at one point I was confused and uncomfortable with the fact that Manabe and Moritani might have had sex while drugged. It turns out that they didn't, but the suggestion was so strong, it spooked me out, especially considering Manabe's relationship to Kotoura. There were also quite a few mentions of boobs and butts, and sex appeal was quite important to Mifune. Manabe's thoughts were perverted and though they weren't too racy, I didn't think they were always necessary in regards to the plot.

The story itself was interesting and emotionally uplifting. It didn't take me long to watch at all, but I would definitely screen it yourself before deciding whether or not your child is  mature enough to handle it. It wasn't over-the-top bad, but like I said, there were racy parts and parents should understand what that looks like themselves before completely banning it. There were also supernatural abilities, like ESP, mind-reading, and seances. I don't think it should be written off completely, because there were good themes in the show and it placed a high value on friendship and accepting yourself.

Mature Content:

  • Nudity- In Manabe's daydream, characters are implied to be naked, but nothing is ever shown
  • Sexual Refrences- The character, Manabe, has perverse thoughts
    • Characters talk about "boobs" and "butts" and their bodies
    • It is implied that Manabe and Moritani have sex, but that is later not the case
  • Spiritual- Supernatural abilities/magic (ESP, seances)
  • Homosexuality- Manabe has several girlxgirl daydreams of Moritani and Kotoura
  • Violence- In the end mystery, the "ninja" attacks several characters and corners, and tries to kill Kotoura on a roof
Personal Note: 
Okay, seriously, what is with Muroto's fish-lips? 

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