Apr 7, 2018

Ao Hana Ride (Manga)

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Name: Ao Hana Ride
Type: Manga
Author: Sakisaka Io
Books: 13
Genre: Drama, romance, slice of life
Age Rating: 13+

Yushioka Futaba is a cute high school student determined to be so unladylike her friends won't have a reason to be jealous. In middle-school, a misunderstanding led to the inability to express her feelings for a boy named Tahaka before he moves. Now he is back in school and goes by the name Mabuchi Kou and it turns out he liked her back? Can Futaba win his heart back or has she lost him forever?

I really loved this soap-operatic drama more than I thought I would. The only thing that really annoyed me was how fast Futaba gets over Kou and then falls for him again as soon as she broke things off with Toma. We all knoew she loves him, why try to fight it? The whole "I'm confused" act is a bit overdone and a tad unrealistic. It's used by the author to justify a love triangle that complicates things and interferes with Futaba's relationship with Kou. Despite this, I liked the drama and found myself getting sucked into the rush of feelings this series gave me. 

The characters were all enjoyable. In fact, even thought I liked Kou and Futaba together, I was rooting for Toma too. He was very sweet and cute, nothing at all like other romantic interests in books that turn out to be completely awful in order for the heroine to understand that she wants to be with her first choice after-all. I also really loved Yuri! She was the perfect friend for Futaba, and I loved their loyal relationship, with Shuko as well. Another relationship I loved was the "bromance" with Kou and Aya. This is proof that boys can be close friends without any implications of being gay. 

I read this in three days, I loved it so much. I became dedicated to the story the way one would binge-watch soap-operas and empathized with all of the characters. The art Sakisaka Io gave us was gorgeous, with typical large-eyed figures and soft strokes that came across as more realistic than comic. The general flow of things was at a readable pase; this manga is not as long as some, but it was the perfect for what it was. If it was any longer it would have been drawn out for too long. 

Personally, I think that the drama of the series and its soapy-nature will most likely not appeal to boys, though it does not have any content that would be entirely offensive to them. In fact, the strong bonds between the male characters is very inspiring and refreshing to read about. This is a good, non-offensive series for girls who love a good romance story that has a happy ending. There is an anime based off this manga, as well as a live-action movie named "Blue Spring Ride." I have yet to see either, but if they follow the manga, they are bound to be just as good.

Mature Content:
  • Sexual References- Futaba trips and falls in one scene, and accidentally grabs onto Tomo's private parts in an attempt to steady herself
    • Shuko falls in love with one of her teachers, Mr. Tanaka. It is hinted that he shares her feelings, but he does not encourage them and nothing ever happens between them
  • Intense Scenes- This manga is very emotionally intense
  • Violence- Kou is sometimes quite rude to Futaba and other characters
    • Kou is involved in a car accident near the end of the book
  • Profanity- The use of "damn" in the online versions of the manga
Personal Note: 
Since Futaba got to be with Kou, can I be with Tomo? I need an answer! Please what happened to him?!

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