My Ratings

I rate the anime and manga I read out of five stars based on how well I personally enjoyed it. The stars are not official, nor are they always directly related to the mature content or how appropriate they are for younger readers/viewers. They are my personal opinions. I decided not to give half-ratings due to confusion.

0 = I really disliked it
=It wasn't really my thing
 =It was okay
 =I liked it
 =I loved it
 =One of my favorites


Some of my ratings are higher than on other review websites such as IMBD. This is because I take in consideration the violence, language, and inappropriate scenes from a Biblical point of view. I take in consideration also things that directly contradict the Bible (such as evolution and homosexuality). You may not always agree with what age I have decided mature enough to view, but please know that I take the Bible literally, and consider the age-ratings very carefully. 


See this guide.


Basically I read and watch things that are available. I have access to Netflix, and there are a few series of manga at my local library. I also have used Crunchyroll, Anime Online, Youtube, and others to watch shows online. I use MangaPanda to read manga online. Another way I chose some of what I review was through reading books and other reviews on them. The Rough Guide to Anime: Japan's finest from Ghibli to Gankutsuo by Simon Richmond, and Manga: The Complete Guide by Jason Thompson, are both great books to check out if you're a fan of either.

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